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Posted by Greg Lymberopoulos on Jun 20, 2024 3:52:23 PM

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Joy is a gift from God. The Greek word chara means joy and delight. Mirriam-Webster defines joy as the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires. All circumstances can change rapidly in this life and by definition so would our joy. However, there is JOY EVERLASTING, through our faith in Christ and His gift of the Holy Spirit. 

John 3:16“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”     

Ephesians 1:13  “And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit,” 

The Holy Spirit that indwells His people provides joy in this life and the life hereafter.  

Galatians 5:22 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faitfulness.”    

This joy now focused on what the Father, Son and Holy Spirit has done for us, redeeming us to a relationship with a Holy God. Circumstances need not alter our joy. We just have to actively choose to be joyful. God allows these trials to build perseverance in our faith.  

James 1:2 “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” 

Psalm 37:4 “Take delight in the Lord, 
    and he will give you the desires of your heart.” 

I have examined my own life and wonder if at times we can lose our joy. Our emotions will have a negative impact on our joy when we sin. The remedy for sin is repentance and with a step of repentance we can take another step of faith. This process needs to be repeated often in this life. The absolute great news is that God is faithful and we can experience great joy that we share with others. Just take another step as He directs you. 

Phillipians 1:6 “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” 


Greg Lymberopoulos 


LivRite Fitness 


Topics: Encouraging Words

Shout Grace, Grace

Posted by Admin on Jun 8, 2020 5:48:14 PM


We individually and as a country have great challenges. The Prophet Zechariah explained great mountains in front of us would become plain. 

Zechariah 4:6   “Then he [a]said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel saying, ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts. ‘What are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become a plain; and he will bring forth the top stone with shouts of “Grace, grace to it!” NASB

The how to make the mountain plain was to shout Grace, grace to the stone, Jesus Christ.

In Biblical times the cornerstone was used as the foundation.  The cornerstone was first.   When the challenge’s come and they have and will.  We need to shout Grace, Grace to the cornerstone, Jesus Christ.   He is faithful to finish what He started, and we must remember that Yes, He was and is first. 

In the event, that your family or business was not built on the Cornerstone, be encouraged that you can begin again.   Ask Him to be the cornerstone the foundation of your life, family, or business. 

Lord I shout Grace, Grace to the church, communities, and our country, in these trying times.  It will not be our power or mite that solves any problem but Your spirit.  I thank you that you are in control of all things and you are working to make these mountains plain with Love, Truth and Humility. 

2 Chronicles 7:14 “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” NIV


Grace, Grace to you.


Gregory Lymberopoulos


OneCrown Ministries

Topics: Encouraging Words

Make Priorities Your Goals For 2020

Posted by Mark Winebrenner on Jan 1, 2020 8:59:00 PM


Author Greg McKeown warns, “If you don’t prioritize your life, someone else will.”.


It is the simple notion that others are vying for your time, talent and resources by constantly telling you what should be important to you. 


If you are a goal-setter or desire to become one, January is the annual kickoff of renewed determination to achieve goals.

I like having goals. I encourage clients to set them. However, without first establishing priorities, we can set goals that distract us or even be set by the voices of others in our ears telling us what is important.

A priority is simply something that is more important than other things and that needs to be done or dealt with first. I heard it said that many of life’s disappointments come from dealing with second things first.


How we spend time is how we choose our life. Our priorities can put us in either positive positions or unpleasant predicaments. Thinking first about our priorities will help us choose our goals wisely.

Without understanding the “why” behind our priorities, it is easy to slide into spending time on the wrong things. It can even be good things but done at the wrong time. The goal is to work on the best things at the right time. 


Establishing priorities takes work. John Maxwell suggests you begin with the  Three R’s: what is required of you, what gives you the greatest return and finally, what gives you the greatest reward.


The thinking process goes like this: there are many things that are required of us which are things only we can do or should do. Therefore, we must do those things first. 

While we seek to do those things with excellence, we should seek activities that give us the best return for the time we invest.

In other words, make us more effective in doing what is required. These activities are usually within our strengths and natural gifts. Once we are effective with what is required, then we should consider what in life is most rewarding, that is, gives us the most personal satisfaction.


As a father, I believe I am required to help my young son to know Jesus personally.  I love the clarity and simplicity of what Jesus said as quoted in Matthew 6:33, “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.”


There are many goals I can set to fulfill this requirement. I can make sure my son is in church and involved in youth group. I can teach him how to read the Bible. There are many options. Along the way I need to pay attention to what helps my son the most, giving the best return on the time spent.


My son enjoys working with the production team at church. He is surrounded with wonderful, young, godly leaders who pour into his life. Therefore, my wife and I are very intentional in creating opportunities for him to serve in those areas. This is one of our priorities.


Beach vacations bring me personal satisfaction and can reenergize me. However, if I am not effectively doing what is required of me in all areas of life first, then any renewed energy or enjoyment I received from the vacation will evaporate quickly once I return. 


I want to be satisfied with my life, don’t you? Therefore, I try to pay attention when Jesus reminds me, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” (Matthew 5:6)


Welcome to 2020!


Take some time to evaluate your priorities by starting here: “And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8



Topics: Encouraging Words

Give the Gift of Attitude

Posted by Mark Winebrenner on Dec 12, 2019 9:00:00 AM

I came across a prayer I thought I would share with you.

Dear Lord,


So far today, I am doing all right. I have not gossiped, lost my temper, been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish or self-indulgent. I have not whined, cursed or eaten any chocolate.  However, I am going to get out of bed in a few minutes and I will need a lot more help after that. Amen.


That’s both hilarious and accurate.  You know it’s true. Your list of struggles may be different in your prayer but we all have issues we would love to master; to gain victory. I believe a great strategy includes the right attitude.


According to Webster, “Attitude” is a feeling or way of thinking that affects your behavior. It is a mental position.


In other words, everyday your attitude will affect you and influences the people around you.  Your attitude will be either an asset or liability. This is no small matter. 


There is a secret to having a great attitude:  it should be part of preparation, not something that is adjusted during moments of adversity.


Several years ago, I worked for a dear friend and mentor who was in the process of building a new business and money was very tight. Due to budget constraints, he drove an old car with many miles and it had problems. During a busy work day full of important appointments, the great beast broke down on the interstate. When I asked him about his challenging day, I was blown away by his response.


He said it is God’s money and time and if He wants to spend it this way, he was fine with it. I know this man well and this is his genuine attitude.  His attitude during this circumstance was already in place long before that day. He was prepared knowing true contentment is generated internally, based on attitude. It’s not what happens to you that matters, it is what happens in you.


So, how do you prepare your attitude?  It starts with placing a high value on people.

Author John Maxwell summarizes it this way, “You can’t dislike people and have a good attitude at the same time. Have you ever met anyone who always treated people badly but had a positive attitude?”.


It almost seems natural to get frustrated with people. I recently saw a t-shirt that said, “The more people I meet, the more I like my dog.” If fits the narrative that life would be easier if we did not have to deal with people.


Yet, the Holy Spirit tells us “Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves…You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had…He took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being.” (Philippians 2:3-7)


God has placed the highest value on you. So much so that He sent Jesus to reveal the Father’s love for you by becoming a servant continually focused on the needs of others. Jesus was always about His Father’s business.


Just like my friend’s car, people are going to let us down. But my friend’s heart is always in his Heavenly Father’s business, not his own.  Because he was prepared, he knew God would use even this circumstance to do something important. This attitude is only humanly possible when Jesus is living in us and through us.

I hope this Christmas season when you see a manger scene, you will see the baby Jesus with fresh eyes. Seeing Him as One with the attitude of a humble servant Who has come with you in mind.

That IS why He came.

He came because you are valued and loved by God. Just accept that love by asking Jesus to be your Lord and Savior.

I can’t think of a better Christmas gift from us to God and to others than to have the same attitude as Jesus.

Topics: Encouraging Words

The Smell of New

Posted by Mark Winebrenner on Nov 16, 2019 2:36:36 PM

Smell of New

New-car-smell (NCS) is intoxicating. Auto makers have developed a scent so powerful that a husband should never shop for a car without the permission and presence of his wife. That aroma causes an “autoimmune” disease that, in some men, causes them to abandon reason and responsibility! Ladies, it is not our fault. Someone should sue the makers of NCS!


To be fair, who doesn’t like “new”? Something new is fresh and full of promise. When my son Eli was born, I remember smelling his hair and skin. Ah, a new baby. New-baby-smell is also intoxicating and even more powerful than NCS. A wife should not get a whiff of someone’s new baby without the permission and presence of her husband.


Sadly, that new car smell fades quickly. You get your first scratch and door ding within the first six months. The car gets dirty inside and out and needs a lot of work to maintain the illusion of new.  That baby is keeping you awake at night. The first jaw dropping, vomit inducing diaper hits your senses like a mace attack.  In a blink of an eye, the little angel is now a demanding, boundary-pushing army of one.


The new LivRite Fitness is opening in Fishers. I got a sneak peak at the facility and it is nothing short of awesome! It is the first ever new build for LivRite. In addition to all new state of the art fitness equipment, the exterior and interior building design is new, fresh and amazing. From floor to ceiling, everything has been done with excellence, complete with new fitness club smell!


And just like that new car, the equipment will begin to age and require maintenance. As time marches on, members will become blind to the beautiful interior design. There will be carpet rip here, a floor stain there and eventually the parking lot will need to be repaved.  Nothing is new more than a day and nothing on this earth lasts forever.


But this is where the real LivRite story begins!


What remains new every day at LivRite is the culture of caring for its members; both body and soul. It is their pursuit of that which is of eternal significance for both you and your family that drew me to LivRite in June of 2018.


Yes, LivRite wants to help you live in good health and fitness, to live right in how you take care of your body. They also want to help you live with health in your soul, which is your mind, will and emotions. 


LivRite helps with your physical health by providing you the best exercise, fitness  and nutritional resources. They help with your soul-health by pointing you to Jesus because God is the only source of anything that is new every day which includes the culture of LivRite Fitness.


Lamentations 3:21-23 says, “This I recall to my mind.  Therefore I have hope. The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.”


Every single morning, God’s love, compassion and kindness toward you is fresh and new - a new supply of His grace which is something you cannot earn. It is His gift to you. God desires to satisfy our souls with joy when we turn to Him.


Psalm 90:14 explains it this way: “O satisfy us in the morning with Your lovingkindness, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.”


LivRite works hard to help you live in good health. This is the only body you will ever have in this life and we must do all within our power to protect it because without good health, it is difficult to enjoy life.


John Maxwell puts it like this: “You can escape from a lot of things that might hurt you…But you can’t get away from your own body…Think about how hard it is to be positive, concentrate or pray when you have a toothache.”


When your mind is troubled or you struggle with making good decisions or your emotions are controlling you, it is possible to give the hopeless feelings to Jesus so that they do not overpower you.


I want to encourage you to remain committed to getting and staying physically fit. More importantly, I want to encourage you to spend time with Jesus every day because He is the One Who brings health to your soul.


I love this verse from Hebrews: “…Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith.”  


You build physical running endurance by spending time with cardio equipment. You build soul endurance by spending time with Jesus. As Jesus refreshes you and builds your faith, your faith will lead your soul and you will live right.

Topics: Encouraging Words