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Fitness Trackers:  What are they, do you need one and which ones best

Posted by Jill Derryberry on Nov 6, 2021 9:19:06 AM

Best Fitness Trackers

What are fitness trackers? 


I think everyone has heard about fitness trackers in some form, from a simple pedometer to a GPS enabled smart watch that costs hundreds of dollars.  “Getting your steps” in has become part of our lexicon.  Just in case you aren’t aware, a fitness tracker is a small electronic device that tracks physical activity.  Pedometers track just the number of steps you take, other fitness trackers can also collect data about your sleep, the estimated number of calories you’ve burned, your heart rate, distance covered and more. Many trackers provide simple data on the device's display, with more detailed data available online or via their app. They can help monitor our progress regarding our health, sleep or movement, as well as give real-time feedback and statistics about our fitness goals.  This can be incredibly encouraging and helpful for many people to get more physical activity.   


When it comes to tracking your health and workouts, there are two main categories: fitness trackers and smart watches. Fitness trackers monitor your health and wellness, and track things like sleep, heart rate, steps, and workouts.  Smart watches have the same capabilities as fitness trackers, but also have smartphone features, like texting, calling, and other app integrations. 


Do you really need a fitness tracker? 


If you are just starting out, a fitness tracker can give you a picture of how active you are (or aren’t).  Many of us overestimate how active we are and how many calories we have burned and underestimate how many calories we have taken in.  A fitness tracker can help by monitoring your activity and approximate number of calories burned each day.  In some cases, it can be a good wakeup call and then motivation to improve.  Most fitness tracker data can be synced with an app where you can track your calorie intake which can be beneficial for those looking to lose weight or improve their health.  


Fitness trackers can be a source of motivation by prompting movement (my Apple watch will remind me if I haven’t met a move goal or exercise goal or stand goal).  For me, being able to see how many days I have met my set goals is a source of motivation just as much as seeing that I haven’t met those goals for the day is encouragement to get it done.  For others it can be beneficial to share your fitness tracker statistics with friends and family who also have the same tracker.  Doing this allows you to see each other’s metrics and you can challenge each other to move more.  Keep in mind though, don’t let your fitness tracker shame you.  Rest days are important, and most fitness trackers don’t acknowledge that enough.  Customize your goals on your tracker or smart watch to be right for you and your fitness plan.   


Some studies have shown that fitness trackers and smart watches are not that accurate when it comes to steps taken, heart rate and calorie expenditure.  Most people have wrist worn fitness trackers or smart watches that monitor your heart rate.   Studies show the wrist worn heart rate monitors generally aren’t as accurate as chest worn heart rate monitors.  It doesn’t mean the heart rate data can’t be helpful, but it is good to remember it is an estimate rather than an exact reading.  The same is true for the other data collected, including number of calories burned.  Trackers give you real-time information about your level of activity. Even though most of the metrics they collect are estimates, they are far more accurate than any guesses we make about our fitness levels. 


What are the best fitness trackers? 


I’m not an electronics expert, but here is a short list from what I have found in my research (online and from my own use) of the most well-known brands with the most options of trackers to choose from.   There are hundreds of options for fitness trackers.  Literally, there is something for everyone since they all have different price points, options and functions.  It is best to decide what features you want in a fitness tracker before your purchase so you can get exactly what you are looking for.  What is the feature most important to you?   Do you want a smart watch that will sync with your phone, or do you just want something to track your steps?  Do you want GPS in your tracker or the capability for it to use your phone’s GPS?  Does it need to be able to track your sleep?  Do you want to be able to swim with it on?  What data are you most interested in tracking?  With so many functions available, it is good to determine what will be most helpful for you.  Also, it is a good idea to check out online reviews and the company’s website prior to purchase.   


Fitbit is probably the most well-known fitness tracker company and has at least eight (8!) different types of fitness trackers in their current lineup.  They range in cost starting around $90 and go all the way up to $300+.  They also vary in function and size.  If you don’t want all the bells and whistles of a smart watch, the Fitbit Inspire or Flex might be best for you.  These models are smaller than watches (more like a bracelet), lightweight, less expensive and have fewer functions than other models, but still tracks your steps taken, sleep, active minutes, and lets you set silent alarms that alert you by buzzing on your wrist.     


According to the website Wired and a few other sites I saw, the Fitbit Charge 4 is ranked the best all-around fitness tracker.  It has built in GPS, an app that is easy to use and allows you to connect with a community of other users.  It has a function that will monitor your sleep.  Some of the more advanced features require an annual subscription at an additional fee.  Fitbit has released a newer sleeker version of the Charge, version 5, that is also available now.   


apple watch fitness tracker

If you have an iPhone, an Apple Watch might be the best fitness tracker for you.  It’s not just a device that can track your steps, minutes of exercise, heart rate, sleep, estimated calorie expenditure and number of hours you stood for at least a minute (this is not a complete list of features, and they vary based on the model and version you have).  It is also a smart watch that will allow you to text and talk from your watch along with syncing with many other of your phone’s functions.  It will link to the health and fitness apps on your phone so you can see all your fitness and health data there as well as all the awards you can earn by completing challenges. The Apple Watch has you select three daily health goals.  One for movement (the number of calories you burn with activity), the number of hours you stand at least a minute and the amount of time you exercise.  The rings on your watch will show your progress for these goals and it can get addictive to those like me that want to close their rings and meet those goals each day.  Newer models of the Apple Watch (series 6 and above) have blood-oxygen monitoring, ECG and integration with Fitness+, Apple’s new on-demand streaming workout service (Fitness+ requires an additional fee).  The Apple Watch 7 was just released with even more advanced health features as well as a mindfulness app.  


Do you have an android phone but still want a smart watch that links with your phone?  The Samsung Galaxy Watch has many of the same features of the Apple Watch.  It is made to pair with Android operating systems.   


Garmin also has a variety of watches that track your fitness data.  Their entry level tracker, the Venu Sq and SQ Music Edition has an LCD touchscreen with an always on option (some older Apple Watch models and Fitbit do not have an always on option).  The Garmin Venu Sq includes blood-oxygen monitoring and sleep tracking without any additional subscription.  Garmin has advanced metrics through their Garmin Connect app.   Runners have been known to love the Garmin Forerunner Series.  These watches start at the lower price end for Garmin and do a great job at tracking walks and runs.  Some versions allow the programming of intervals and really focus on having the best GPS to track running routes and the best running metrics to track your training. 


Not everyone will benefit from a fitness tracker. For example, if you mostly lift weights, it might not be helpful. But for the majority, they can be useful. For instance, if you spend most of your time in an office chair, your fitness tracker can be a personal trainer. It will help you stay active with daily activity prompts, information about yourself, and a community of fitness enthusiasts like you to keep you motivated.  If you believe you will benefit from one of these devices, buy one that will provide you with the data you need.  Not all trackers have the same features, so do your homework before making a purchase.   



Topics: LivRite News

The Benefits of Stretching and Why You Should Try Stretching Classes

Posted by Jill Derryberry on Aug 2, 2021 7:01:58 PM

stretching classes

I’m sure you have heard it before; you should stretch after your workout. Or before. Or both. Stretching has long been talked about as something we should do, but typically it is the first thing to get skipped when we are in a hurry. After this difficult year, stretching is coming back as a hot topic because of the much-needed mind and body benefits that stretching provides.


Benefits of Stretching


Research has shown that stretching can help improve both your body’s flexibility and mobility. Mobility is the range of motion of your joints. Flexibility is the ability of your muscles, tendons and ligaments to lengthen. For example, flexibility is being able to reach down and touch your toes. Your hamstring muscles must lengthen, or be flexible, in order for that toe reach to happen. An example of mobility is your ankle flexing so that you can lower into a squat. If your ankle won’t bend as much, you can’t go as low into a squat. Going back to the toe reach example, someone could have good hamstring flexibility but limited mobility at the hip joint keeping them from reaching their toes (or vice versa). Mobility and flexibility do sometimes go hand in hand, and the terms are sometimes used interchangeably, but they aren’t the same thing. What matters most is that you do need both in order to perform at your best.  


Better flexibility and mobility can help to improve your performance in physical activities, reduce potential aches and pains, decrease your risk of injuries, and enable your muscles to work most effectively. Our everyday lives can lend to shortened muscles, especially after sitting for long periods of time. Shortened muscles, in turn, decrease range of motion and can trigger body aches and pains. Working out can leave our muscles shortened and feeling tight as well. Lengthening the muscles through static stretching after your workout can help your muscles recover from your workout and potentially leave you with less soreness. Stretching helps keep muscles long, healthy and strong.


Stretching should be part of every workout, and not just at the end. As ACE (American Council on Exercise) points out, “Dynamic stretches are often used as part of a warm-up to help increase core body temperature and functionally prepare the body for the movements that are to come. As a result, stretching is often considered an important part of injury prevention, as cold muscles and tendons in the body have a greater likelihood of rupture, strain or sprain.”


Stretching will help you stay active as you age. Improving mobility and maintaining flexibility (which naturally declines as we age) allows our body to stay in top shape. Maintaining flexibility while aging can decrease the risk of injury, improve balance, decrease chronic pain, improve workouts, improves posture and keeps you looking younger! The more we care for our bodies, the longer we can continue to be active and live independently.


Another benefit of stretching beyond flexibility and mobility is possible improvement in hypertension. According to research, when you stretch your muscles, you are also stretching all of the blood vessels that feed into the muscle. This includes your arteries. If you reduce the stiffness in your arteries, there is less resistance to blood flow which can result in a reduction in blood pressure.

Combine stretching with mindful breathing and it can help to reduce stress, tension, anxiety and depression.


Types of Stretches

Static Stretches: to extend a muscle group to its maximal point and holding it for 10-60 seconds. Static stretches can be either active or passive. In an active stretch added force is applied by the individual for greater intensity. Added force is added by an external force in a passive stretch.

Dynamic Stretching: unlike static stretching, dynamic stretches are continuous movements that usually mimic the exercise or sport to be performed. These types of stretches are usually done as a warmup.


Ballistic Stretching: this type of stretching isn’t frequently recommended. It utilizes repeated bouncing movement to stretch the targeted muscle group. The bouncing movements can trigger a stretch reflex and may cause a risk for injury, so they are not usually recommended without supervision from a Trainer.


Stretching Basics


It is important to stretch safely with proper technique. Stretching with improper form could do more harm than good.


Don’t do static stretching (when a stretch is held for 10-60 seconds) with cold muscles. Warm up with some light walking or another activity at a low intensity for 5 -10 minutes before doing any static stretching. Even better, stretch after your workout when your muscles are warm and the stretches will lengthen your worked muscles.


Instead of static stretching before your workout, complete a dynamic warmup with low intensity exercises like walking or dynamic stretches that could be completing similar movements to those in your upcoming workout but at a low level, then gradually increasing the speed and intensity as you warm up.


Dynamic stretching is great for joint mobility. A dynamic warmup features functional movements that move multiple joints through their full range of motion. This type of warm up can even include plyometrics (quick powerful movements) like hopping or jumping. Think jumping jacks or high knee skips. Other examples of great dynamic warm up moves are arm circles, squats, side leg swings and forward leg swings. Through your dynamic warm up, you are putting your joints through their full range of motion and getting your muscles warm because of an increased blood flow which makes your muscles and joints ready for more. This will help to keep proper form throughout your workout, as well as reduce the risk of injury and soreness after your workout.


Don’t lock your joints. Your arms and legs can be straight while stretching, but they shouldn’t be stiff, and your knees and elbows should not be locked.


Don’t bounce in your stretch. Bouncing as you stretch can injure your muscle and actually contribute to muscle tightness.


Watch for pain. You can expect to feel tension while you are stretching, but it shouldn’t be pain. Back off to the point that you don’t feel any pain, then hold the stretch.


Stretch regularly. You will get the most benefits if you stretch at least 2 – 3 times a week consistently.


Remember to breathe! Inhale right before you start the stretch and exhale as you relax your muscles and lean into the stretch. For static stretches, stay in the stretch for at least 30 seconds while breathing in and out normally.


Why Try Stretching Classes?


I don’t know about you, but I tend to rush through static stretching after my workouts, and I don’t do enough flexibility work on its own. It’s the first thing to go when in I’m in a rush. By taking a class specifically for stretching, it ensures each stretch will be held for the optimal time and that more stretching will be done. Also, having a professional lead you through a routine will ensure you will get a total body stretch.


Stretching can also be done with gentle movement, such as tai chi or yoga. But if those are not your favorite, don’t worry, they aren’t the only stretching classes. Many facilities are offering specific stretching classes that are geared to work on the muscle imbalances that can happen as a result of a sedentary lifestyle or that are an outcome from workouts.   Other types of classes will focus more on the stress reduction benefits of stretching. Some stretching classes will blend the strengthening of muscles with stretches to improve balance, mobility, flexibility and strength. All with stress busting benefits as well.


With so many benefits to stretching, and so many options of classes to help to incorporate it into your routine, I hope you don’t skip this important part of keeping yourself healthy again.


Check out LivRite’s class schedule to find a class you love or work with a personal trainer to find the best stretches for your workout.

Topics: LivRite News, Stretching

Why You Should Try Water Aerobics

Posted by Jill Derryberry on Jul 1, 2021 3:06:30 PM

Why you should try water aerobics


It’s summer and it’s hot outside. A great way to cool off and get a good workout at the same time is to add water! Any time of year, exercising in the water is a low-impact activity that takes the pressure off your bones, joints and muscles.


Water aerobics may make you initially think of senior citizens bobbing in a pool, but water workouts have changed and research shows that water aerobics, pool workouts and swimming benefit people of all ages and ability levels.


Water workouts, or aquatic exercise, can work your entire body.


Aerobic: Aquatic exercise can get your heart rate up which can provide a good workout for your cardiovascular system. For those with heart problems, it is helpful to exercise in the water because the heart rate doesn’t increase as much as if the exercises were being performed on dry land.


Strength: Water offers natural resistance, which can help strengthen your muscles. The resistance of the water is about 12 times the level of air resistance. The harder you press during an exercise, the more resistance the water provides. You are using many muscles in your body to move in the water and they are all working against the resistance of the water, therefore, increasing your muscular strength. Some classes use equipment to further increase the resistance of the water which will intensify your workout and strength gains.


Flexibility: A lot of twisting, stretching, and joint movement is required to move through the water, against resistance. This increases flexibility.


Swimming is an extremely effective exercise. It uses your entire body – your abdominals, arms, legs, back and glutes all work to help you swim. It’s also an aerobic activity as your heart rate will increase to move your body through the water. Make sure you have a safe place to swim. Pools are ideal. If you are swimming in lakes or oceans, be mindful of currents, water temperature and other obstacles. And it is never a good idea to swim alone.


Aquatic exercise isn’t just swimming. There are many other ways to exercise in the water. In fact, you don’t need to be a great swimmer to work out in the water. It’s good to know how to swim for safety’s sake, however, many water aerobics classes don’t require swimming for a great workout.


The first organized form of water aerobics was demonstrated by fitness professional Jack LaLane on his television show in the 1950’s. LaLane promoted a healthy diet and the benefits of aerobic exercise. He showed how water aerobics could be one way to get a good cardio workout. As the health and fitness industry became more popular in the 1970’s and 1980’s, the benefits of aquatic exercise became more widely known and it became an organized class at gyms and health clubs across the country.


The modern form of water aerobics, or aquatic exercise, is a fitness program that takes place in the pool. The class is designed to get your heart pumping for a cardiovascular workout without placing undue stress on your muscles and joints. It is often performed in waist or chest deep water and forces your body to move despite the resistance of the water. An instructor will lead the class through movements, usually with music. Sometimes resistive and buoyancy equipment is used to intensify the workout.


The types of water workout classes offered are expanding beyond traditional aerobics as well. Many of the exercises done in the traditional gym setting can also be done in the water, for example, lunges, squats, walking or running. HIIT (high intensity interval training) and boot camp style classes can be done in the water to increase intensity, but lessen the impact on your body. Popular dance classes like Zumba and barre classes now have versions available in the water in some locations.


Since working out in the water works your body while minimizing joint stress, it is an ideal workout for many including (but not limited to) those with arthritis, pregnant women, seniors, individuals who are overweight and those recovering from an injury or surgery.


Research shows that people with rheumatoid arthritis have greater improvement in joint tenderness and in knee range of movement with hydrotherapy than with other forms of exercise. Health benefits for aching joints are long-lasting, according to a study published in 2002 in the Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology, which found fibromyalgia patients still had improvements in symptoms and physical and social function up to 24 months after a hydrotherapy program. Plus, warm water can have a immediate soothing effect on achy joints and muscles. On the flip side, if the weather is hot, swimming can keep you cool while you get in shape. You may even workout longer since you will be cooler in the water.


All of the benefits of exercise can also be obtained through aquatic exercise. A small study showed that participants in a 12-week water aerobics program (two 50-minute classes per week) saw a drop in their blood pressure as well as improvements in explosive strength and body composition.   Another study concluded, “Like exercise on land, aquatic exercise should have a beneficial effect by lowering blood pressure.” Research shows that aquatic exercise lowers blood sugar levels for people with type 2 diabetes.


One common misconception about water workouts are that they are relegated for only the elderly, injured or chronically ill. However, working out in the water actually forces your body to work out harder than if you were on dry land. It’s a great workout for everyone!


Athletes were typically only encouraged to exercise in the pool when they needed to rehabilitate from an injury. However, while this continues to be a good recommendation, more collegiate and professional athletic coaches are seeing value in cross-training in water as a regular off and on season method. Some collegiate football teams, for example, use pool workouts as active recovery after a game. It isn’t just for football players. Performing active recovery in a pool helps to reduce soreness, flushes out lactic acid and prevents a drop-off in performance. A 2010 study in the International Journal of Sports Medicine concluded a "swimming-based recovery session enhanced following day exercise performance.” The hydrostatic pressure from the water increase circulation, reduces swelling and enhances recovery.   Runners can supplement their training with underwater running. There are even underwater treadmills! Coaches have stated that running underwater is just as important as running outside. It helps runners become stronger by running against the resistance of the water, and it helps them to recover from on land training. Healthy athletes benefit from aquatic exercise in more ways as well, like reducing any potential overuse injuries and overcoming any training plateaus by adding a new way of exercise.


Another value of aquatic exercise is that according to research it leads to less muscle soreness and damage after the workout. When comparing high-intensity land and water based plyometrics programs it was found that training in water produced less inflammation and muscle soreness than the land based workout.


Being in the pool or open water is a fun and effective way to exercise for people of all ages and fitness levels and has many benefits. It’s gentle on your joints and muscles but still can provide a total body workout. Plus, being in the water can feel relaxing even though you may be working hard. Adding water workouts to your fitness routine may be a good idea. Mixing up the type of your workouts will help to avoid injury and burnout. Also, if you are planning on increasing your current volume of exercise, the addition of one or a few water workouts is a safe way to do so without increasing your injury risk. New or returning to exercise after some time off? Water workouts are a great way to jump back in to physical activity.


LivRite Fitness has a variety of water aerobics classes in their pool. Find more information and links to the schedule for each location on the LivRite website or in the app. The pool is also available for swimming whenever a class is not in session.

Topics: LivRite News

Ten Fitness Myths – Busted!

Posted by Jill Derryberry on Jun 5, 2021 2:27:26 PM

The amount of information out there about health and fitness is overwhelming. Some of it is contradicting so it can’t all be true. It’s difficult to sift through everything and know what to believe.


One reason myths may start, and stay around, is because everyone’s experience with exercise is different. What works for one person may not work for another. Or they might be partially true. However, there are also things you may hear that are flat out false and could be keeping you from hitting your goals or could even be dangerous.


Here are ten common statements that are either not completely true or are completely false!

Fitness Myths

1. Doing Crunches Will Get Rid of Belly Fat – FALSE


Unfortunately, this isn’t completely correct. Crunches, and other similar exercises that work your abdominal muscles, will strengthen those muscles but do not directly reduce fat. You can’t pick the specific area where you lose fat. In order to burn fat, you must create a calorie deficit (consume fewer calories than you burn). A good nutritional plan and exercise will help with that process and reduce overall fat.


For more tips on belly fat check out 5 Tips to Lose Belly Fat.


2.Running Hurts Your Knees – FALSE

As a runner, I’m thrilled to say that numerous studies have shown this is false. In fact, runners have shown to have lower rates of knee osteoarthritis than sedentary people. In one study, runners had lower rates of osteoarthritis and hip replacements than even other casual exercisers. The researchers cited the runners’ lower body mass index (BMI) as part of the reason. Being overweight is associated with chronic low-grade inflammation throughout the body and can negatively affect your joints.


Another reason running doesn’t hurt your knees, rather than breaking down your knee joints, running helps to keep them lubricated and stimulates your body to build new cartilage.


This isn’t to say that runners don’t get knee injuries. There is even a common one that is called runner’s knee. Most of the knee injuries in those who run are caused by overuse or a weakness or instability in another area, like the hip. If you run, make sure you are getting rest days, cross training and strength training to prevent any potential injuries.


3. If you aren’t sweating, your workout isn’t hard enough. – FALSE


This one is not necessarily true. Sweating is your body’s way of cooling itself off. Sweat is not an indicator of exertion or calorie burn. It is possible to get benefits from exercise without breaking a sweat. Of course though, you could be sweating and getting an awesome workout but you don’t have to be.  


4. No Pain, No Gain – FALSE


A common mistake made when returning to or starting an exercise routine is to do too much too soon. If returning to exercise after some time off, don’t go back to how hard you may have worked in the past. Ease back into your workouts. Even if you feel ok in the moment, you will probably feel soreness in the next day or two.   If you feel pain during your workout you should stop. Discomfort is ok, true pain is not.


Any physical activity has benefits. Don’t think that lower intensity exercise like brisk walking or yoga doesn’t “count” because it doesn’t cause pain, sweating or soreness. Fitness doesn’t have to be painful or extreme to be beneficial.


5. If you don’t feel sore after your workout, you didn’t train hard enough. – FALSE


Along the same lines of no pain, no gain – this one is also not true. While you can expect to feel some soreness a day or two after working out after starting a new workout, or returning to exercise after some time off, it shouldn’t be severe and it does not mean you didn’t get the benefits of the workout if you don’t feel sore.


6. Sports Drinks are The Best Way to Refuel After Exercise – FALSE


Sports drinks like Gatorade are typically seen at sporting events. I’ve worked with clients who thought they needed to drink one during and after any workout.   Gatorade, and other brands of sports drinks, can be useful in certain situations. They contain electrolytes which are the micro-nutrients; sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous that can be lost when you are dehydrated. However, these drinks also contain a lot of sugar or artificial sweeteners along with excess calories, artificial colors and additives in some cases. None of which are that great for you and they can undermine your health goals.


After exercising, it is important to replenish your carbohydrate, protein and electrolytes. However, if you are working out for less than 60 minutes, water and your usual balanced meals will do the trick. It is unlikely that most individuals' electrolyte levels are low. If you do work out intensely for over an hour, there are better and more natural ways to refuel and rehydrate than sports drinks. Here are a few ideas:


  • Pickle Juice
  • Fruits (watermelon and bananas are popular after exercise)
  • Sauerkraut
  • Water with Honey and Lemon


7. Lifting Weights Gives You Big Bulky Muscles – Not Necessarily


There is a meme going around that says something like; not lifting weights because you think you’ll get bulky is like not driving a car because you think you’ll become a NASCAR driver. It’s not easy to get big muscles, especially for women due to less testosterone. To build large muscles requires a certain type of weight lifting and nutrition plan. It typically won’t happen unless you are really trying to bulk up.


Don’t let the fear of bigger muscles scare you away from weight training. Just a few of the things lifting will do is help to build lean muscle mass, boost your metabolism and decrease your risk of osteoporosis.


8. Fasted Cardio Is Best for Weight Loss – FALSE


There are some studies that suggest that working out on an empty stomach causes your body to dig into its fat reserves for energy. However, if you notice a decrease in your workout due to lack of energy, it probably will negate any potential benefits.  


Without fuel in your tank, your energy levels will be down which can inhibit performance. Some who have low blood sugar from not having recently eaten, might even experience light-headedness or dizziness if working out in a fasted state. It’s important to know your body and how you perform best.  


If you are able to power through a solid workout before breakfast, go for it. However, if you are just slogging through because you have no energy, it may be better to have a light snack before your workout or a complete meal an hour or two prior.


9. Muscle Turns to Fat if You Stop Working Out – FALSE


This is a common belief because usually when someone stops exercising they lose muscle and their diet may cause them to gain fat at the same time. The muscle isn’t turning into fat, these are two totally different tissue systems with different functions. They just happen to be occurring at the same time. Muscle and fat do not convert to one another, they simply change in most cases simultaneously.


10. You Should Stretch Before Your Workout – FALSE


Before your workout, it is important to warm up your muscles.  Research now shows that static stretches (where you extend a muscle to the end of its range of motion and hold) should only be done after you complete your activity.  To warm up, you should do dynamic stretches (continuous movement where the muscle goes through the full range of motion).  After a workout, static stretches help to lengthen muscle and improve flexibility. 



When it comes to fitness, there is no one size fits all prescription for everyone. Don’t believe everything you hear or read. Do your research, consult with experts to see what is true and find what may be right for you.

Topics: LivRite News

The Beginner’s Guide to Post-Workout Recovery

Posted by Jill Derryberry on Apr 1, 2021 1:46:19 PM

**This post is a part of our beginner's guide to fitness series.  To see all blogs in the series click here. 


What if I told you there was a way to reduce the risk of injury, minimize muscle soreness, boost performance and improve the results from your workouts? Would you do it? The secret is to focus on your post-exercise recovery. Exercise is physical stress imposed on the body that in turn changes your body. The positive changes occur when your body is repairing itself after the stress of your workout. This time after your workout, when your muscle tissue is repairing itself, is when you get stronger and build endurance.


Exercise or any other physical work cases fluid loss, muscle damage, and the depletion of energy stores (muscle glycogen). Without proper recovery time, the repair process where the microscopic muscle tears created during a workout will not heal into stronger muscles. A muscle needs to rest anywhere from 24-48 hours to repair and rebuild or it may simply lead to tissue breakdown instead of building. Muscle damage also impacts the amount of force that is able to be exerted until repair is complete. The muscle damage not only impacts muscle building and strengthening results from your workout, it also impairs the ability to transport blood glucose (used as energy) into the muscle cell, which means not as much glycogen is replenished and less energy and force is available meaning you have less energy for your next exercise session. Recovery allows the body to repair damaged tissues, replenish energy stores and prevent overtraining. Overtraining can occur when the body isn’t able to recover. Signs of overtraining can include decreased sports performance, depression, increased risk of injury and disrupted sleep.


How do we recover? Stretching, sleep, refueling and rest are four aspects of post-exercise recovery and all important parts of a good workout program.

stretching for recovery

Stretch Adding stretches to your warm up and cool down help to prevent injury, increase flexibility, decrease potential post-workout soreness and can improve performance. Be aware there are different types of stretching. Starting your workout with dynamic exercises or stretches (stretches with movement) is best and then cool down with static stretching (holding a stretch). Optimal recovery for the myofascial network (the connective tissues covering or binding your muscles) should also include techniques for improving tissue extensibility (the ability of separate layers of muscle tissue to slide across one another). Myofascial release is a good way to do that and can be done using foam rollers or a massage from a professional therapist. Read more about stretching and foam rolling on the blog here.


There are other healing modalities like cryotherapy and heat treatments that could be added to your recovery plan. Cryotherapy is the use of extreme cold air to help increase blood flow to help repair tissue faster and reduce inflammation. An ice bath is another way to use cold to help recovery. The heat in a sauna or whirlpool can help with post-exercise tissue recovery because the heat increases the body’s circulation, which removes metabolic waste products such as hydrogen ions, while carrying oxygen and other nutrients necessary to muscle tissues. This will help to reduce any potential soreness as well as helping your muscle tissue repair and rebuild.


Sleep   How does sleep affect your performance and recovery? Sleeping is one of the most efficient means of allowing your body to recovery from one day’s workout and to properly prepare for the next exercise session. Ensuring you are getting an adequate amount (between seven and nine hours a night) as well as getting good quality sleep are equally important. Our bodies repair, regenerate and grow muscle tissue during stage 3 of non-rapid eye movement sleep. Insufficient sleep could result in higher levels of catabolic hormones like cortisol. Too much cortisol can potential inhibit muscle growth and affect your energy levels. Being overly tired could cause a missed workout or an injury during exercise. Lack of sleep also impacts cognitive performance which could result in reduced reflex times or poor form, each of which could cause an injury. Plus, getting enough sleep supports your immune system, which in turn reduces the risk of becoming sick and missing a workout.


Refuel Refueling properly after exercise replenishes your energy stores and can assist the tissue repair process. A post-workout snack with a proper ratio of carbohydrates (carb) to protein can help with both of those things. Carbs are digested and then replenish your energy stores and protein helps to rebuild your muscles. Research has suggested having something within 30-45 minutes after a workout with a 3:1 ration of carbs to protein works best to help recovery. A popular example is a banana (healthy carb) with a little bit of peanut butter (protein). But balance is key here, eat too much more than what your body needs and it will be stored as fat.


Don’t forget water! Rehydrating is number one when it comes to refueling. You lose a lot of fluid during exercise and replacing it is important. Water supports every metabolic function and nutrient transfer in the body. It is important to stay hydrated for many reasons, one being to assist in the muscle rebuilding process as well as to help any potential muscle soreness. Muscle soreness occurs from lactic acid build up in a muscle. Drinking adequate amounts of water is one way to help to rid some of that build up.


Rest Rest days are part of any smart workout plan. It is possible to workout everyday if you have a good plan that varies the intensity and type of workout done each day, making some of the days active rest days. An example of an active rest day would be a yoga class or a walk. If you are training a specific muscle group, give it at least a day to repair and rebuild before using resistance training with that muscle again. This is where a weight training plan might split the muscle groups up so that you are training one or several of the muscle groups on one day then different muscles groups the next, which allows those worked on day one rest the next day while training others. High intensity exercise should not be done every day. Most studies recommend high intensity training just two to three times a week on non-consecutive days.  A personal trainer can put together a workout plan personalized for you, your fitness level and type of workout you enjoy and that includes the proper amount of complete rest and active rest. Excessive exercise, heavy weight training every day, or a lack of rest days will limit your fitness gains from exercise and potentially lead to overtraining and injury.


Any form of stress (from life or exercise) takes a toll on us both mentally and physically. The body can only take so much, so it is vital to give yourself a break every now and then. By neglecting rest days, you may increase your risk for injury, decrease your level of performance and not see as much progress.


Post-workout recovery is not a one-step process or just one thing to do. It’s basically everything you are doing when you are not working out. The basics of a good post-workout recovery include having a workout plan with at least one rest day a week, completing a warm up and cool down including some stretching with each workout, getting enough sleep, staying hydrated and eating a balanced diet. Pay attention to these things and you’ll enjoy more results from your workouts.  


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