Under the Influence
Influence is a great word. To say one has influence “on” you or “with” you does not capture the depth of the word. According to Webster, it literally means: “a flowing into; a power whose operation is invisible and known by its effects”.
Influence penetrates. It flows into you and can become a permanent part of who you are.
Here is the great news about influence: you have it! In fact, it is highly probable that you influenced someone today. When you are in the presence of others, you can influence them.
In the early 80’s I started in the hotel business as a desk clerk. Kerry, the Front Office Manager became my mentor. He had a genuine interest in my success and taught me everything he knew about leading and managing the front desk staff, bellman and night auditors. In a short time, I was promoted and transferred to a hotel as their Front Office Manager. The impact of Kerry’s tremendous influence is still evident in my life today.
I will always remember my mentor Kerry. His life mattered to me. He influenced me for MY benefit!
Leadership expert John Maxwell said, “Deep down we all want one thing. We want our lives to matter. We want our stories to be of significance. Nobody wants to feel like the world wouldn't miss him if he'd never lived.”
Isn’t that true for you? Don’t you want to matter to others by having influence into their lives, for THEIR benefit?
I believe this desire is planted in our hearts by God.
The Lord said, “If you return to me, I will restore you so you can continue to serve me. If you speak good words rather than worthless ones, you will be my spokesman. You must influence them; do not let them influence you!” -Jeremiah 15:19-
Since I gave my heart to the Lord in 1989, I have experienced the blessings and warnings of this biblical truth. I have witnessed God influencing others through me. Sadly, there are times when I speak worthless words resulting in negative influence. Also, I am keenly aware of the ongoing battle to resist the negative influences of this world.
That is why I am thankful for the mercy and grace of God. Despite my failures, He loves me and restores me as my heavenly Father and continues to bless my life with the honor of serving Him.
Jesus is the Master Influencer. When you ask Him into your heart, His first act of influence is to let you know how much you are loved and that you are now part of the family of God.
“The Spirit Himself testifies together with our own spirit, (assuring us) that we are children of God.”
-Romans 8:16-
Are you under The Influence?
Topics: Encouraging Words